Monthly Schedule

("Teacher Take Note" and Monthly Presentation Topics)

Teacher Take Note (9:30-10:00)



October 6:

  • “Duet Bonanza”   Get great duet ideas as Debra Garmero shares some she has used with student.  Please bring any of your own you might like to share.


November 3:

  • “Hanon Works”  Melanie Squires has a passion for technique and will share what she has learned over the years from masters to become a master herself.


January 5:

  • “Recitals With A Bang”  Need ideas for recitals?  Bridget Johansen will lead us in a discussion/idea sharing time to help us all rejuvenate and set new goals.  After all, it is January.


February 2:

  • AIM workshop.  Whether you participate with your students or not, this review of theory and chords will benefit all of us.  Come and learn!!!!


March 2:

  • Music Makers taught be Terry Peterson.  Terry runs successful introductory group lessons for young children.  It is a great way to make extra money and also provides ideas anyone can incorporate in private lessons.


April 5:

  • Technology – Are you in???????  Wendy Brewster will demonstrate some of her favorite ipad and lap top helps.  Bring your ipads to share your favorite APPS.

Monthly Presentation (10:15-11:30)

September 1:

  • Whitney Pizza, "Technical Treasures for Teachers:  Discover Musical Gems for All Levels"

October 6:

  • Leslie Thackery, “Motivating Practice Ideas"


November 3:

  • Danielle Dallas,   "Brain Boosters: Off the bench activities to maximize musical cognition"


Dec 1:

  • Jason Lyle Black - “From Beethoven to Billy Joel:  A Simple 5-Step Approach to Composing Great Music”
  • Luncheon (Combined with Jordan River Chapter)


January 5:           

  • SCORE: Tax and Legal Strategies


February 2:

  • Joan Brinton, "Rhythmania"


March 2:

  • Ken Foster,  “The DaVinci Coda or How Ken Foster Does It.”  Learn how to create, embellish, improvise and arrange anything from hymns to fake sheets.


April 5:             

  • Ryan Crossette and DavidDickey,  “What to Look For in a Good Piano”


May 3:

  • Closing Social   “Duet” For Fun                 
  • Fun and motivating duets played by you, our very own teachers of Sandy Chapter!